Security Breech / Software Update


Tyme Master Jr.
Staff member
Jul 11, 2014
Following a security breech we have upgraded to the latest software version. Our old forum software had reached its end of life updates and was no longer being supported with security updates.

Someone apparently was able to gain access to the forum and change the administrative passwords. I was online when this happened. I immediately deleted the entire forum directly. I was able to access the database and reset the administrative passwords. Once that was done the forum was restored from a clean backup and the software update was done immediately.

I have been testing this software and since we were kind of forced to upgrade you might find some bugs. I had worked out a few and it seemed pretty stable. I hope everyone will find himself or herself at home with our latest software.

It does not appear any data was compromised as everything is encrypted, but you may want to change your password as a precaution.
I'm pretty sure that Version 4.2.5 was up earlier. Looks like you upgraded to a clean install with Version 5.5.4. So much work with backup restoration for you Steve.

Yes we were on 4.2.5 earlier today. I think all the trouble we been having was hack attempts. They finally got in and changed my admin password. I was in a panic and deleted the entire directory to keep them from getting anything. Upgraded to the latest version and here we are. Trying to get it all in order now.
Wow Steve, what a friggin' PITA... Glad you cut em' off at the pass!

Where can I find the password change thing?

It's in your user profile settings. At the top right. Click your user name and then edit settings under your avatar, second tab at the top is account, click that and the first section is password. You can change it there.
:dizzy:What a Rollercoaster this has been for everyone...
Steve is Our Fearless Leader! :good::man:

...& Thanx to All the Forum members for your continued support and Patience!:jump:
Navigating the new format is a little tough for me. And the "like" feature seems to have disappeared? :think:
Navigating the new format is a little tough for me. And the "like" feature seems to have disappeared? :think:

It does take some getting use to.
The "Like" feature is still there. It's just moved to the bottom right corner of the post now.
Here's what I'm seeing - no place to make a new like
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