Choice Steak Grade Disappeared


Tyme Machine
Sep 3, 2014
Choice grade has just about disappeared around here. Went to get some Choice T-Bones on sale today for the freezer at a big store and all had very little marbling...looks more like Select grade. I'll pay folding cash for good steaks, but not a dime for shoe leather on the grill. Sam's Club does sell Prime if you really want it. $$$



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Well you were talking about McDonald’s a few days ago. Someone is moving up in the world .LOL. You’re in Dallas correct? You must have several local butcher’s that put out some really good grass fed stuff much like we do here in SA.
Yep...Big D I'll have to do some more looking around, Tom Thumb here isn't cutting it for me.
The Truth About Dollar Tree's $1 Steaks

Apr 25, 2020



The first, and possibly most important, thing to know about Dollar Tree steaks is right there in the store's name — yes, their price is really just one single dollar.

That's the great thing about Dollar Tree — unlike some so-called dollar stores, everything Dollar Tree sells is priced at exactly $1 — plus state sales tax, where applicable.

The second thing to know about them is, yes, these are real ribeye steaks, although obviously not from any prime bovine real estate.

They are, however, 100 percent pure beef, pre-seasoned in a brine solution, and Houston news station ABC13 says their brand, Stampede, is one that is carried by other major retailers.

Dollar Tree employees in the Houston area — a place that knows its steaks — told the station that they couldn't keep these steaks in stock. WCPO reports that this was also the case in Cincinnati as well, so obviously not everyone is horrified by the thought of buying meat from a dollar store.

WCPO had a group of firefighters try out these steaks, although they stacked the deck by serving up $12 per pound butcher shop ribeye and $9 per pound supermarket ribeye as well. Dollar Tree's ribeyes weigh in at 3.5 ounces each, so $4.50 per pound, just half the price of the grocery store steak.

The Dollar Tree steak did not come out the winner in this unequal taste test — shockingly, the firefighters went for the expensive butcher's cut. They all ate the Dollar Tree steak, but the best they could say was,

"It's not terrible."

ABC13 also staged their own taste test, but refrained from putting Dollar Tree's offerings at a disadvantage by providing pricier meats for comparison. Their taste testers arrived at a more positive verdict, deciding the steaks were okay for the price. As one tester put it,

"I'm very shocked. It's better than I thought it would be, absolutely."

While these cheap steaks aren't going to give Ruth's Chris or even Outback Steakhouse a run for their money, it's suggested that they make pretty decent fajitas or stir-frys.

The Tampa Bay Times, which remarked on these steaks' "deep, meaty flavor," also suggested they'd be perfect for cheesesteaks.

Still dubious? If you can afford Kobe beef, sure, you're unlikely to want to feel like going slumming at Dollar Tree. If you're dining on a budget, though, Dollar Tree steaks aren't the worst you could do for a buck. Just watch out for that high sodium.

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