Lag 06/10/2020


Grand Tyme Master
Founding Member
Jul 17, 2014
Maybe work is being done. There's a pause or hang up I haven't seen in a long time. Just giving a heads-up. I tried many other sites and all are working super fast.

I'm showing we hit our max I/O usage several times today which temporary slowed load time.
This usually happens when we have a number of members uploading or refreshing the same data/page about the same time or
Lee is copying/pasting large ads into the forum :lol:
Let me know if there is anything I can change or curve my usage to lighten up the usage or help in any way Steve.
Seems to be something going on today that wasn't there yesterday. When posting threads there seems to be a slight hangup. :hmm:
Hey Steve,

it is back today, but only worse.

Should be better now I hope.  I saw where the system maxed out a few times today, but all looks ok now.
It seems they are having an issue with their servers and had to put more traffic on our servers while they investigate the problem. As a result our speed has suffered so other sites can stay online. Once they get the problem on the other server corrected we should return to normal.
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