Today we pause to remember 9/11/01.


Tyme Warper
Staff member
Deals Master
Founding Member
Jul 11, 2014

We begin today remembering and honoring all those affected by the events of September 11th.
Learn more about the National September 11 Memorial & Museum on their Facebook page.



On September 11, 2001, 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda hijacked four airplanes and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States. Two of the planes were flown into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, a third plane hit the Pentagon just outside Washington, D.C., and the fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Almost 3,000 people were killed during the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

They say that you never forget where you were when a historic event happens. To this day, people remember where they were and what they were doing when President Kennedy was shot, Dr. King was killed, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, the Space Shuttle Challenger was destroyed, and when 9-11 happened.

Just curious, where were you and what were you doing on what was (at least out here in the Bay Area) an otherwise gorgeous day, weather-wise, on 9-11-01? Do you have any stories about that day that you'd like to share?
They say that you never forget where you were when a historic event happens. To this day, people remember where they were and what they were doing when President Kennedy was shot, Dr. King was killed, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, the Space Shuttle Challenger was destroyed, and when 9-11 happened.

Just curious, where were you and what were you doing on what was (at least out here in the Bay Area) an otherwise gorgeous day, weather-wise, on 9-11-01? Do you have any stories about that day that you'd like to share?

where were u ?

i will never forget
I was doing my usual Tuesday Wawa Run in Ocean County NJ up and down Route 9. I was at the Lanoka Harbor Wawa pulling a pallet off of my trailer when people were coming out of the store telling me a plane crashed into the WTC. By the time I made it down to the Waretown store people were telling me it was no accident. Another plane had crashed into the towers and one hit the Pentagon.

Going home was an eerie ride seeing the clouds of dark smoke in the sky. My usual Wednesday run was Union City, Jersey City, Hoboken and Secaucus NJ. I could smell the fumes from the attack miles away heading up the turnpike and seen a vacant hole where the towers stood. By the time I was in Jersey City the smoke was still lingering from across the river when I was making my deliveries. I had schools and hospitals on the run and one was Christ Hospital. The workers were telling me it was like a war zone. Some victims were arriving in boats from across the river. What I'll always remember is the smoke, smell and sense of loss and shock from the people in the areas.

I was returning to the water plant after taking drinking water samples for the municipality I worked for when I heard on the radio that the first plane hit , maybe vehicle failure or a malfunction. I saw the second plane hit on the TV in the office. I suggested to the chief operator to lock the gates , we're under attack. The last 10 years of my employment career was from a fortress and not from the once open and friendly community WTP.
​I was sitting with my boss, in his office, discussing a restocking move, when we were told about the attack taking place.
In 2001 I was working at IBM at the Storage Systems Division in San Jose, CA. The planes crashed pretty early in the morning out here so I was one of the few guys in the office that early in the morning. As I walked into the office, one of my co-workers told me about the first plane crash and I immediately turned on the radio in my office to listen to the news station in San Francisco. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. That kind of stuff just doesn't happen here in the US...or so I thought.

By the time that the buildings fell, all the TVs in the conference rooms in my building were on and people were glued to them, including myself. I was young then so it was probably the most significant historical event of my life at that time.

I'll never forget that my boss at that time, who was well known at IBM for being extremely cold hearted and not very personable (he only talked about work stuff,) reminded us that we were having a department meeting that afternoon. He was from New York with family and friends there, but he still just kept working as if absolutely nothing was happening outside the blue walls of IBM. It was right then and there that I made a personal vow to myself that if I ever managed someone at work, I would NEVER EVER assume that other people use work as an escape from traumatic events in their lives. I have never been a manager of anyone so I've kept my vow.

I remember at that meeting when absolutely nobody aside from our manager wanted to be there. We all wanted to be with our friends and family. All of the other managers at IBM cancelled their meetings...except for mine. During that meeting he basically told us to grieve on our own time and that there was a lot of work to do.

That was when that manager cemented himself with the nickname "robo-manager" in my mind. I don't know where he is and he might actually be reading this for all that I know. If so, give yourself a well deserved pat on the back because you (unintentionally) taught me *exactly* how not​ to treat your employees in a time of grief.
I had the day off. The wife turned the channel and viewed just as the first tower fell, but I though it was a demo of an unwanted building, since I did not see what or where it was. Then we realized what had happened and were just shocked that anyone would do this intentionally. The shock was worse when we watched the 2nd plane hit next.
That morning I was getting dressed for work.
Turned on the TV and thought it was a movie being filmed. Than realized it was different and thought right away we were being attacked.
The day the world stood still.

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